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Every Door Direct Mailing (EDDM)


Planning a marketing mailing? Our online mapping tool is designed to help you find the potential customers near your business who matter most.

What Is Every Door Direct Mail?

Every Door Direct Mail service is an easy, cost-effective way to amoxil australia online reach potential customers near your business. Just create your mailpieces however you like, then select postal routes and shop diflucan us pay for postage online. Next, bring your mailing to your local Post Office™ for delivery to every household on your chosen routes.

Map Your Delivery Area

Focus on up to a 5-mile radius of your business or search for routes by city and state or ZIP Code. You can use demographic data including age range and average household income and size based on prior report of the U.S. Census Bureau to choose among routes.

Send Mailings Big or Small

Our Every Door Direct Mail-Retail® service is a simple and cost-effective option for local businesses sending up to 5,000 mailpieces a day per ZIP Code. For larger mailings, use our Every Door Direct Mail service with a mailing permit. It’s great for announcing store openings, sales, or events.

Focus Marketing Efforts and Cut Costs

With Every Door Direct Mail service, there’s no need to buy addresses or mailing lists. Instead, you can focus your marketing efforts on potential customers within a specific radius of your business, which can save you on postage and printing.

Create Unique Mailings

Craft mailpieces to share a story, announce sales, or include coupons, menus, event calendars, and more. As long as your piece meets flexible size limits and top article includes the go to my site correct label and indicia, you can design it your way, or have us help you with the design.

Get Started

To get started, call 973.575.4740 or fill out the brief form on this page and let us know the zip code/mileage radius to buy cheap zithromax which you’d like to send your mailing as well as some details as to your design and whether or not you’ll need our team to help. Once we receive your call/form, we will get back to you shortly with the quote.

Request A Free Quote Form
